L-R back row: Jeff Zelek, Jyri Erik Kork, Priit Vesilind, Arney Smits, Lauri Tankler. L-R front row: Eve Tisler, Age Landra Robinson, Deborah Klepp, Laila Oinas, Anu Oinas. Photo by Anu Oinas
Pillerkaar performed at the Windmills International Dance Festival on April 9, 2016 at the Lithuanian Hall in Baltimore with a 30 minute selection of Estonian folk dances, incorporating the audience in their traditional “Perekonna valss” (Family Waltz) at the conclusion of their performance. You may see the videos of the actual dances on Pillerkaar Facebook (Pillerkaar) and the Windmills Facebook:
Pillerkaar is trying to keep alive traditional Estonian folk dancing by practicing once a week in Washington, DC and performing 8-10 times per year in the DC vicinity as well as in Lakewood and Budd Lake (Scanfest), NJ.
Pillerkaar is always open to accept new dancers who would like to join a group of friendly, wonderful people who share an interest in folk dancing and preserving a special tradition of Estonia. You don’t have to be Estonian to join or even be able to speak the language! All are welcomed!
For further information, see our website: www.pillerkaarwdc.com or send an email to [email protected].