Eesti Vabariigi Presidendi pr. Kersti Kaljulaidi külastuse auks kutsub San Francisco Eesti Selts & Enterprise Estonia, Silicon Valley Teid vastuvõtule, pühapäeval, 30. septembril kell 14.30 kuni 17.00.
In honor of the visit of President of Estonia Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid San Francisco Estonian Society & Enterprise Estonia Silicon Valley request the pleasure of your company at a Reception on Sunday, September 30th from 2:30 pm to 5pm Plug&Play Tech Center, 440 N.Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
2:30pm doors open and refreshments are served
3:00pm Introduction and welcome (San Francisco Estonian Society, Enterprise Estonia Silicon Valley)
Remarks from President of Estonia Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid Networking and refreshments to follow.
This event is open to Estonians and friends of Estonia.
Pre-registration required. Please RSVP by September 21 through Eventbrite
Business casual