Goal: Promotional video clip to introduce and publicize the New York Estonian House to Estonian and American communities both locally and internationally.
Create an entertaining and memorable video clip to promote interest in the New York Estonian House and its activities.
Length: 2-4 minutes
Language: Estonian, English or both with subtitles so that
clip is understandable in both languages.
Requirement: Include Estonian House contact information
Deadline: Oct. 1, 2011
Prize : 1st place: $600 , 2nd place, 3rd place
Eligibility: Open to any one person or group
Format: a self contained, SD, Quicktime file with no proprie-tary codecs on a data DVD, USB flash drive or DVD
Sources: NY Estonian House personnel and archives, Board members
Examples: Toronto Estonian House Story 2010, Eesti Päevad 2010 Promo
Credits: Credits limited to maximum 10 seconds
Submit to:
New York Estonian Educational Society:
Estonian House
243 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Judging: Compliant and appropriate entries will be judged on message effectiveness, engagement with target audience, entertainment value.
Ownership: New York Estonian Educational Society will retain the right to use and promote all submitted video clips.
Questions: [email protected]
More info at: http://www.estonianhousenewyork.com