Saturday, May 20, 2023, was a wonderful day. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and the Baltimore-Washington Estonian Singers held their spring concert at the Latvian Lutheran church in Rockville, Maryland.
Before the concert began, Ado Valge gave a historical overview of the choir. Soon after, 29 singers came to life under the direction of Tjorven Hairfield and performed eleven beautiful old and new melodies. So many were favorites, including “Kungla rahvas,” when everyone in the audience joined in song with the choir.
Accompanying the singers on piano were Silvi Valge and Jenna Antsu, as well as on guitars were Mart Kuhn and Peeter Saar. Every song was introduced in Estonian and English by Aari Lemmik, and final closing remarks were made by our Estonian Ambassador, Kristjan Prikk. His comments echoed the sentiments of the audience when he praised the choir and their beautiful performance. Ambassador Prikk then presented certificates of achievement and loaves of Estonian bread to Ado Valge and Silvi Valge for their long and continued service to the Baltimore-Washington Estonian Singers.
The concert was followed by traditional Estonian snacks and pastries, and much socializing among the singers and guests. It was a great afternoon of song and fellowship. The singers are now on break until September when practices begin again in Silver Spring, Maryland. The Baltimore-Washington Estonian Singers welcome new members to join.
Alan Tomson