“My name is Süsi (Coal) not Eba/õnn(Bad Luck). I want to find a loving home too. Kirjuta mulle.” (Write me). Oktoober is Musta kassi kuu (Black Cat Month) at the Kasside Turva/kodu (cats’ “safe home”, i.e. shelter) in Tallinn.
It is an MTÜ or mitte/tulundus/ühing – nonprofit organization, as is Varju/paikade MTÜ (varju/paik is another word for a shelter), which has a network of seven animal shelters all over Eesti. For the past five years, their successful kampaaniahas been: Oktoobris mustade kasside loovutus tasuta! ” – In October a release (i.e. adoption) fee need not be paid for black cats. Loovutamais to give away, slightly different than loobuma(to give up, part with voluntarily). The release fee for cats is usually 25€, since they have been checked by a veterinarian, steriliseeritud/kastreeritud, have received all necessary vaktsiinid, parasiidi/tõrje (had parasites eradi-cated) and have been gifted with a mikro/kiip(microchip).
Why do black cats tend to not be adopted as often or as quickly as other cats? Is it superstition (eba/usk)or the fact that they are not as fotogeenilised in this age of posting your pets on sotsiaal/meedia? They very well might have eri/võimed(special powers) and two smaragd/ rohelist (emerald green) or mere/-vaigu/karva(amber colored) eyes glowing in a sea of siidine (silky) black is always a sight to behold.
In oktoober of 2017, 137 cats found new homes from the Varjupaigad group of shelters. Varjupaikade MTÜ has currently set up an exclusive black cat gallery (http://varjupaik.ee/paku-kodu/oktoobermusta-kassi-kuu)and I suggest visiting the site (https://kassideturvakodu.ee/) to see the dedicated and charming way they introduce each individual kassand their story. Süsi, Mustu, Mustik, Mustikas and Öö await!
Riina Kindlam,