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Indrek Lepson When I was in Hawaii in September 1977, I met D'arcy Whiting, a sail maker from New Zealand, at the Waikiki Yacht Club. We got on well, shared many beers and stories, and he said that if I ever got to New Zealand, to look him up. That...
Jaak Rakfeldt, Ph.D. Enel ran down the stairs to the basement, where Kristi and I were sleeping on mattresses on the floor. She was out of breath, panting, but finally was able to stammer out that there was a coup d’état happening in Moscow. She turned on the television and...
Head uut aastat lovers of kitties aka kiisud! If you haven't yet visited the websites of animal shelters in Estonia, I suggest you do. (Web addresses listed at the end.) The stories, names and descriptions of the cats (much more numerous than dogs), waiting to find new homes, penned by dedicated vaba/tahtlikud (volunteers)...
The Embassy of the Czech Republic recently hosted an online panel discussion “Radio Free Europe at 70: Its Importance Then and Now” to look at the relevance of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL or the Radios) through more than 70 years of service. The panelists were former directors of RFE/RL...
Indrek Lepson See seiklus toimus aastal 1978. Proovin selgitada mõningaid merendussõnasid, et "maarahvale" anda parem ettekujutus toimunust. Trim tab on pisikene eraldi rool, millega saab väikesi kursimuudatusi teha ilma pearooli liigutamiseta. Selle jaoks on eraldi väike rooliratas. Snatch block, nn jalaplokk, on plokk, mis käib küljelt lahti, mille kaudu...
With all the täis/puhutud (inflated) ämblikud (spiders) out there right now, it's hard to tell what's päris or ehe (real) and what is a prop or decoration (kuliss). This palvetaja aka palvetaja/ritsikas (praying mantis) is very real and very much resembles a tulnukas (alien), some/one or -thing that has tulnud...
Vaba Eesti Sõna (VES), a 'Free Estonian Word,' is an Estonian expatriate bi-weekly newspaper with a national readership, founded in 1949 and published in New York City by The Nordic Press Estonian-American Publishers, Inc.
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