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Baltic Christmas Fair: Saturday, December 7, from 10-3pm at Latvian Hall, 425 Hoffman Ave, San Francisco. Christmas time is almost here - come enjoy a taste of Baltic holiday traditions at the San Francisco Baltic Christmas Fair, and support our local communities! Free admission to the marketplace all day. Hot...
As the instigator of the Pärnu Monument idea and the dreamer who could not let go of the desire to somehow publicly express my generation’s “Thank you” to our refugee-suurpõgenemise families, I am so proud of ALL the other dreamers, many friends and the ÜEKN Suurpõgenemise Commit-tee who joined what...
Marju Kõivupuu. In a recent radio interview on Vikerraadio's "Vikerhommik," cultural historian and folklorist Marju Kõivupuu acknowledged that keeping Estonian culture and identity alive abroad demands motivation and determination. Kõivupuu said she has a lot of respect for those who keep the Estonian language and culture alive living beyond Estonia's...
Lisa Trei tells the story of her family and invites others to share their stories as part of an exhibition opening at the Vabamu Museum next year. It’s been almost a year since I moved back to Estonia to attend Tallinn University and serve as a Fulbright Specialist at the...
The Estonian American National Council (EANC) - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) is pleased to announce the recipients of a new EANC grant in the form of a travel stipend for attendance at the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory’s (EIHM - Eesti Mälu Instituut) Summer School 2024 – The Fateful Year...
Kongats Architects, the brilliant minds behind KESKUS International Estonian Centre in Toronto, has again been honored with a prestigious 2024 Governor General’s Medal in Architecture. This recognition comes from the esteemed Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the Canada Council for the Arts, and is awarded biannually to celebrate...
(For immediate release, July 2, 2024) The Estonian American National Council (EANC) - Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) is pleased to announce the recipients of a new EANC grant in the form of a travel stipend for attendance at the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory’s (EIHM - Eesti Mälu Instituut) Summer...
Congratulations to the fantastic young Estonian trumpeter Triin Ustav, and to her teacher Neeme Ots, on winning the first prize at the International Trumpet Guild Ryan Anthony Memorial Competition Youth Division in Los Angeles! The young trumpet talents´ trip to Los Angeles was supported by a scholarship provided by The...
Memories of metsavend Ruuben Lambur (July, 1947, age 21) “Not even an hour had passed when I became involved in a battle. I tried to shoot back but suddenly something hit me in the face. I fell. My head hurt and echoed within, I couldn’t hear anything, my face was...
Barbie is the most popular doll in the world, with over a billion sold worldwide. In 2022 Estonian freestyle skier Kelly Sildaru was the model for Estonia’s first actual Barbie doll as part of the Dream Gap campaign to use positive role models to encourage self-confidence in young girls. That...
Vaba Eesti Sõna (VES), a 'Free Estonian Word,' is an Estonian expatriate bi-weekly newspaper with a national readership, founded in 1949 and published in New York City by The Nordic Press Estonian-American Publishers, Inc.
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