The Estonian American National Council, Inc. (EANC) requires a full-time director for its Washington, DC activities and programs. Responsibilities include:
- Work closely with organizations to which EANC belongs and with those sharing common goals with EANC.
- Help support and implement activities and events undertaken by such organizations, in particular the Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC) and the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC).
- Develop, write, and disseminate press releases, alerts, newspaper articles, letters to the editor, and other public information materials.
- Monitor legislative and executive branch actions relevant to Estonia and EANC.
- Maintain informational contacts and meet with congressional offices, the State Department, the Administration, Baltic embassies, NGOs and other organizations.
- Estonian Americans in accordance with EANC goals and objectives.
- Organize EANC-sponsored programs, meetings and events.
- Represent the EANC at meetings and at official functions primarily in the Washington, DC area, but also elsewhere, as required.
- Keep current with events affecting Estonia, the Baltic region, and East and Central Europe.
- Manage day-to-day affairs of the EANC in Washington
The position reports to the EANC Board of Directors.
- Excellent knowledge of English; Estonian highly desirable
- U.S. citizenship or work permit
- Excellent computer skills
- Excellent writing and speaking ability
- Experience in similar work highly desirable
- Knowledge of congressional and executive branch
operations desirable - Familiarity with and interest in Baltic events and current affairs
- Ability to work independently and in a virtual environment
- College degree
Salary: negotiable, depending upon qualifications and experience. Relocation expenses to the Washington area will not be paid.
Send resume with job history and cover letter discussing interest in the EANC to:, .
For further information contact Leelo Linask,
EANC executive director, 978-397-0020.