The University of Wisconsin-Madison, host of the Baltic Studies Summer Institute (BALSSI) for summer 2010 and 2011 is seeking qualified Estonian language instructors for elementary and intermediate Estonian for summer 2010 (and 2011). This is an intensive, eight-week program that involves 4 hours of instruction a day, plus grading. It is not for the faint of heart, but it is an incredibly rewarding experience, as we attract many qualified American graduate students who require a Baltic language for their research.
The link to our program:
The compensation for the course is comparable to other university summer programs. It varies with the academic qualifications and teaching experience of the instructor, but can range from $8,000-$11,000 for the 9-week contract (8 weeks of instruction plus a few extra days for orientation and grading). Instructors must, however, pay for their own housing in Madison. Applicants should be residing in the U.S. as there is not enough time to process visas from elsewhere.
We can extend the application deadline by a few weeks, but please apply as soon as possible.
The link to the official job announcement is
Jennifer Ryan Tishler, Ph.D., Associate Director
Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA)
210 Ingraham Hall
1155 Observatory Drive
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 262-3379 Fax: (608) 890-0267