This year marked the 68th Estonian summer camp in the UK. These summer camps have taken place every summer since 1949.
Although the camps have changed quite considerably over the years, the original vision has not altered and the main objectives remain the same: maintaining Estonian language and culture among young expatriate Estonians and forging lasting friendships with other young people of Estonian origin.
As 2017 has been designated ‘Children’s and Youth Culture Year’ in Estonia, our main aim this summer was to further the young people’s knowledge of Estonia and its culture, and also to encourage a deeper understanding of their Estonian origins and heritage.
The camp had an international flavour once again with ten young people from Estonia, as well as five from Germany, two from Switzerland and two from Italy. In total, 43 young people, ranging in age from 2 to 21 have attended.
The participants were very positive about their experiences during the week, old friendships were cemented and new friendships forged. The youngsters from other countries had the chance to practise their English, whilst helping their British counterparts with their Estonian. Including leaders and helpers there were approximately 67 people at camp during the course of the week. There was also a great age range from babies to grandmothers, from 2 to over 70!