ERKÜ Valimiste Peakomitee avaldab lõpliku XXII Esinduskogu kandidaatide nimekirja koos tutvustustega. Kandidaadid võisid kirjutada eesti, inglise või mõlemis keeles.
Valimissedelid koos valimiste juhtnööridega ja kandidaatide informatsiooniga saadetakse lihtposti teel järgmistel nädalatel kõigile, kelle nimed on ERKÜ andmebaasis. Tagastamise postitempli viimane kuupäev on 30. juuni 2018. ERKÜ kodukorra alusel saab nimekirjast Esinduskogusse valitud 30 kandidaati 31st.
Valimissedeleid saab juurde ERKÜ tegevjuhi käest: [email protected] või 215-546-
Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) on üleriigiliselt valitud Ameerika eestlaste organisatsioon. Nõukogu koosneb maksimaalselt 50 liikmest (praegu 30), kes töötavad vabatahtlikkuse alusel ja kes valitakse ameerika eestlaste poolt iga nelja aasta järel.
ERKÜ säilitab ja toetab eesti keelt ja pärimust, Ameerika eestlaste kultuurilist tegevust ning Ühendriikides asuvaid organisatsioone. Samuti tutvustab ERKÜ Eestit ameeriklastele. ERKÜ teeb koostööd Washington, D.C. teiste samamoodi mõtlevate organisatsioonidega nagu JBANC ja Keskja Ida Euroopa Koalitsioon (CEEC). Ameerika eestlaste huvide esindamiseks tegutsevad ERKÜ esindajad Washington, D.C.-s aktiivselt iga päev.
ERKÜ on mittetulundusühing 501(c)3, mis põhineb ameerika eestlaste ja teiste maksuvabade annetuste toel. Annetused toetavad Ameerika eestlaste organisatsioone, erinevaid tegevusi ja projekte, ja aitavad edendada ERKÜ sihte ja missiooni, näiteks:
• ERKÜ poolt välja antud Ameerika eestlaste ajaloo raamat Estonians in America 1945-1995,
• dokumentaalfilm Laulev Revolutsioon ja film Üheshingamine, mis jutustab Eesti laulupidude ajaloost; film Risttuules küüditamisest Eestis ning varsti valmiv dokumentaalfilm Geislingeni DPlaagrist.
• Vaba Eesti Sõna ajaleht, mis ilmub New Yorgis.
• Eesti arhiiv USA’s
• Long Island’i eesti laste suvelaager
• Ameerika eesti gaidid ja skaudid
• Festivalid ja kokkutulekud nagu ESTO, KLENK ja Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad
• EV100 üritused USAs
• esindus ja tegevus Washington DCs
Rohkem infot selle kohta keda või mida ERKÜ hiljuti toetas, saate “EANC
Activities” lingilt.
The Estonian American National Council (EANC) Election Committee submits the final list of candidates to the XXII Council, with their introductions. Candidates were given the option to write their introductions in Estonian, English, or both.
Election ballots will be mailed in the next few weeks to all who are in EANC’s database, together with voting instructions and candidate information. The due date for voting is June 30, 2018 (postmark date). Based on the bylaws, you will be voting for 30 members from the 31 candidates.
Additional ballots may be obtained from EANC’s Executive Director: [email protected] or 215-546-5863.
The Estonian American National Council, Inc. is the nationally-elected central organization of Estonian Americans. The Council consists of a maximum of 50 members (currently 30) who serve without pay, elected nationally every four years by Americans of Estonian descent.
EANC helps support and maintain our Estonian heritage and language, Estonian American cultural activities and organizations in the U.S., and works to create awareness of, and support for, Estonia among all Americans. EANC also works in Washington with other like-minded organizations, such as the Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC) and the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC). EANC representatives work actively every day in Washington DC to further the interests of Estonian Americans.
EANC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization sustained by voluntary, taxdeductible contributions from the Estonian American community. These contributions help support Estonian American institutions, activities and special projects, and help further EANC goals and mission, such as:
• Publication by EANC of the history, Estonians in America 1945-1995
• Singing Revolution documentary and films, To Breathe As One, about the history of Estonian song festivals, In the Crosswinds, about Soviet-era deportations in Estonia, and the soon-to-be released documentary film about the Geislingen DP-camp
• Vaba Eesti Sõna / The Free Estonian Word newspaper published in New York
• The Estonian Archives in the U.S.
• Long Island Estonian Children’s Summer Camp
• Estonian American girl guides and boy scouts
• Estonian American festivals and get-togethers, such as ESTO, KLENK, and West Coast Estonian Days
• EV100 (Estonia’s100th anniversary) events in the U.S.
• Representation and work in Washington DC
For more details about current activities and projects, go to, “EANC Activities.”
Atlanta, GA
Born: 1943
Born in Estonia – 1944 refugee; emigrated to Toronto, Canada.
University of Toronto – BA 1966. Korporatsioon Amicitia. Active in Toronto Estonian community (supplementary school, folk dance, gymnastics, girl guides, church)
Speaks Estonian, German, English. Multi-cultural / widely traveled.
Career in personnel / PR (Canada / USA -1967-1977)
Married Aadu J. Allpere 1967. Due to husband’s career, lived in various parts of USA (1968-1981), Germany/ Austria (1981-1993). Volunteer Leadership positions in women’s organizations (eg President / American Women’s Association-Vienna, Austria, International School Board.
Since 1993, held positions with International Club/Atlanta, International Women’s Groups, Atlanta Symphony (Programs Chair for Membership / Fundraising – 2007 to 2018) Chairman (Sept. 2018).
Involved with husband Aadu’s community responsibilities as Estonian Honorary Consul.
I believe in giving back to my Estonian and American communities. I am passionate about “trying to make a difference”.
Support ERKÜ’s mission of strengthening our diaspora in the USA. Being on the Council / Board is my way of giving Estonia a gift of security and role on the world platform. ERKÜ Board membership for 4 years has been educational. Wish to continue this work, possessing a deeper understanding of the complex issues.
Lifelong involvement; most recent support for Estonian activities includes:
With husband, founded Atlanta Estonian Cultural Society (AEKS) and the Estonian School. Serve as President. The Allpere residence serves as unofficial “Estonian House” at Christmas, Vabariigi aastapäev, jaanipäev etc. Organized receptions for Paavo and Kristjan Järvi, ERSO etc. Goal – to introduce Estonian music to the Atlanta community. Vanemuise Theater performed in our home. Sponsored/organized film “Maestro” (Paavo Järvi) at Atlanta Symphony Patron event.
We spearheaded co-operation of 3 Baltic communities for “Baltic 100 Centennial” March 4/18
Provided scholarships to 6 Estonian university students for study in Georgia.
EANC President’s Circle members for 4 years (donation – $1000 plus)
Aadu and Kristi recognized by President of Estonia, Feb. 21/18 with Order of White Cross IV (Valgeristi IV klass) in recognition of services to Estonia and promotion of Estonian/American relations.
Attended and participated in all annual ERKÜ meetings since last election.
Participated in monthly ERKÜ conference calls (have missed 2-3 in 4 years)
b) EANC Board member.
Donations Request Committee – evaluate requests for financial support.
Estonian Books to Stanford University Project committee.
Book and Film reviews for newsletter Teataja.
Involved in suggesting programs and speakers for annual meeting.
Organized Anu Tali’s “Meet and Greet” at last annual meeting.
Volunteered for Election Committee and Vaba Eesti Sõna project as needed.
Novato, CA
Born in Germany in 1953 to Estonian parents. Grew up in Los Angeles, attending Estonian school, folkdance, scouts, and later Metsaülikool. Graduated from UC Santa Barbara n 1976 with a BA in Urban Studies. In the same year, married Don Bartling, and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area where we have lived ever since. We have three grown children.
Retired from a 31 year career with the National Park Service in 2009, which included serving as Deputy Superintendent of a large urban national park and leadership roles in the transitioning of former Army lands into national park areas.
Being part of Estonian organizations has brought deeper meaning and purpose to my life. I served on the LEP-ESTO 2013 Board, organizing several events and helping to develop the overall conference program. Since 2013, I have served as president of the Estonian Society of San Francisco and Northern Califomia, where I helped start an adult Estonian language Keelering and helped re-start a children’s school and choir. Our SF Society’s leaderhip group today helps keep our “Eesti by the Bay” community growing with a newsletter, regular activities, and program of cultural events. We see our role as welcoming and connecting Estonians, and keeping a bit of Estonian life alive in the SF Bay Area.
For the past four years I have served on the EANC Board. I have attended every EANC annual meeting since being elected to the Council, as well as JBANC’s 2015 and 2017 conferences.
Have served on the Strategic Planning committee since joining the Council, and am currently on this committee’s off-shoot workgroup which is charged with improving the EANC website.
Served on the “Estonian Books” committee in 2016, to find the best “homes” for Estonian books that had belonged to older Estonians.
Headed the 2016 EANC awards gala planning commiffee which brought the event to the West Coast for the first time.
I also currently serve on the Estonian League of the West Coast (EOLL) Heritage Board.
Houghton, MI
I am an Estonian-American with dual citizenship, born in Germany, who lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I have a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Technical Communication. In 1971, I met my relatives in Estonia for the first time at age 24. In 1990 my American husband and I took a six-month teaching sabbatical in Tartu with our children attending the local schools. Since then, we visited and worked in Estonia regularly from 1990–2009—he as a professor of business; me as a translator, writer, and editor. In 2002 we purchased an apartment in Tartu, now our second home.
One of my retirement goals was to be more active in Estonian affairs in the US. I chose the EANC because of its nationwide collective presence and power to make the concerns and needs of all Estonians more widely known. While currently effective, the Council must work to attract and activate new generations of Estonian-Americans who live in a digital world and may not be fluent in Estonian. Their contributions and presence are vital to the future of the EANC and the Republic of Estonia. Since I was elected to the Council in 2014, I have used my skills as an editor and technical communicator to help revise and update our defining documents, including the Constitution, By-Laws, and the Strategic Plan. Currently I am involved with redesigning the website. Additionally, I am interested in preserving the Estonian books, diaries, documents, and letters of the generation that preceded us. I look forward to continuing to serve the Council.
Since joining EANC in 2014, I have attended all annual meetings, except in 2017 when care-giving precluded travel. I have served on two major committees. In 2014–15, I chaired the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to guide the revision of major Council documents, updating and clarifying the language and focus. Since 2016, I am on the Strategic Planning Committee, which works to coordinate our organizational goals and documents with future Council actions. I am part of the team that revised the media plan, assessed the EANC website, and refocused it for easier navigation and clarity of purpose.
Rockville, MD
Sündinud Eestis, Kuusalus 1974. a. Peale ülikooli töötasin aastaid tegevdirektorina metsandusfirmas OOS. 2002 suundusin keelt õppima Inglismaale ja jäin sinna elama. Töötasin erinevates ettevõtetes nii hotellinduse, reklaami kui raamatupidamise alal ning mul oli seal ka oma pisiettevõte, mis pakkus koristusteenuseid, eeskätt sõjaväele. 2002 kolisin USAsse Marylandi, et leida uusi väljakutseid.
Lihtsustatud kirjutis minust
Hetkel oman firmat USAs
Olen lävinud paljude eestlastega nii UKs kui ka USAs ja leian, et suudaksime palju rohkem ära teha kohalike rahvuskaaslaste ringis. Välja tuleb juurida intriigid ja isiklikud eelistused ja minna edasi kui ühtne jõud. Ma olen olnud kaasatud mitmetele jaanipäeva üritustele nii Inglismaal kui ka USAs, ka olin sponsor ja eestvedaja Eesti 100 Mart Sanderi ja ta bändi üritusel Rockville, MD, Samovari restoranis.
Rohnert Park, CA *
Born: 1979
Marit grew up in Viljandi, Estonia. In 2001 she graduated from the Estonian Business School with a BA in International Business Administration. In order to gain experience, she decided to leave Estonia immediately after graduation and has been residing in Northern California ever since. Nevertheless, she is acting as an unofficial “ambassador” to her home country and is passionately committed and involved with multiple organizations and committees promoting Estonia and its rich culture. Professionally she has worked with companies like Booz & Co and PwC, and currently provides online administrative and project management services to tech startups.
In her spare time, she and her husband Rick, like to travel and spend quality time with their two sons, both born during the LEP-ESTO 2013 (SF) planning stage, Tommy (8) and Mason (6).
I would like to continue to represent the West Coast Estonians by participating in the upcoming EANC elections. My past and current involvement in Estonian activities:
Estonian World Council 2017– 2018
– Coordinate a book project with 12 member countries
– Assist with ongoing initiatives as needed
– Manage social media activities and marketing efforts
– Assist with external communication (e.g. ghost-writing press releases)
Elected Member of Estonian American National Council 2014 – 2018
– 2016 Annual Meeting in SF planning committee member ‣ Planned a successful Benefit Gala Dinner event and Council’s public seminars
‣ Generated ideas for fundraising options, panel discussions and the program in general
‣ Negotiated contracts for logistics
– Marketing implementation from strategy to execution
– Suggested/selected the keynote speaker, performers and other key partners
I have participated in all 4 meetings since I was elected.
Vice President of Estonian Worldwide Festival – LEPESTO 2013 2010 – 2013
– Organized and oversaw all activities for the opening day of a four day festival, including
– Estonian Expo, Opening Gala and Reception for 1000 guests, Business Conference
– Accommodation, government grants, social media, marketing, 300k budget, and negotiated contracts Vice President of San Francisco Estonian Society 2009 – Present
– Organize events, manage budgets, plan marketing strategy
– Instrumental in building SF Bay Area web magazine for local Estonians
Grand Forks, ND
I was born in Columbia, Missouri to an Estonian mother and Scandinavian father in 1982. After moving to Corvallis, Oregon as a child, I received my Bachelors degree in European Studies from Oregon State University. In conjunction with completing my degree, I also shortly studied at the University of Tartu. After living in Estonia, I moved to Vancouver, BC where I received my Masters degree in European Studies from the University of British Columbia. At UBC, I focused my studies on Estonian citizenship and security policies. I currently reside in North Dakota, where I work as a librarian.
I’m renewing my candidacy for the Council because I believe my academic background and personal perspective is an asset to the Estonian-American community. In addition, as a young Estonian-American, I believe my presence on the Council is beneficial, providing it with longevity and an intergenerational cohesion. Estonian-related issues have always been a passion of mine, so it would truly be an honor to be reelected to the Council.
As a two-term Council member, I’ve had the privilege of serving the Estonian-American community for the past eight years.
Years I attended the annual meeting: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010.
Alexandria, VA
Sündinud ja üles kasvanud Alexandrias,Virginias. Käisin James Madisoni Ülikoolis, kus õppisin finantsi ja olin aktiivne liider ärikoolis ja Madison Investment Fondis. Praegu töötan PricewaterhouseCoopersi firmas konsultandina. Samuti olen asutaja ja President Teamesteemis, mis on heategevusorganisastioon, mille eesmärk on aidata noori inimesi enesearenduse ja kogemusliku õppimisega. Mind valiti eelmine aasta Washingtoni Eesti Seltsi esimeheks ja Rotalia Washingtoni koondise esimeheks. Mul on suur au ja rõõm olla osa Eesti kogukonnast Washingtonis. Tähtsamad väärtused minu elus on armastus, tänulikkus, empaatia, julgus ja avatud mõtlemine. Üks minu elu eesmärkidest on teisi inimesi inspireerida, aidata ja motiveerida neid elama autentset elu.
Lähitulevikus ootab minu põlvkonda ees üks väga tähtis ja oluline vastutus ning küsimus. Kas meie töötame edasi, et säilitada meie armast eesti keelt, kultuuri, ja hinge? Või kas meie laseme eestlusel vaikselt ära surra ja sulada teistesse kultuuridesse? Minu jaoks on äärmiselt tähtis ikka eestlust edasi toetada ja luua uusi ja põnevaid võimalusi eestlastele välismaal. Kui võtta kümme sammu tagasi ja mõtelda, miks eestlus on nii tähtis meie rahvale, arvan, et inimesi innustab see, kui nad saavad olla osa millestki suuremast kui iseendast. Eestlus kahtlemata pakub võimalust seda tunda. Eestlus minu jaoks on võimas energia, mis ei ela meie kodudes või isegi meie raamatutes, vaid elab meie mõtetes ja südametes. Mina olen terve elu olnud eesti kogukonnas aktiivne. Lõpetasin Baltimore Eesti Kooli, käisin skaudilaagris ja nüüd olen Washingtoni Eesti Seltsi esimees. Eestlus on toonud mulle nii palju rõõmu, ja ma tahan seda teistega jagada.
Arlington Heights, IL
Pärit Lakewoodist, Gilda Karu oli aktiivne Eesti koolis, gaidides, rahvatantsus ja muudes Eesti tegevustes. Chicago Eesti Maja ja Lakewoodi Eesti Seltsi liige. Üle 30 aastat ERKÜ esinduskogu liige ja varem juhatuses. Eesti Vabariigi Valgetähe V klassi teenetemärgi omanik kui eestluse hoidja Ameerika Ühendriikides. Gilda’l on Vassar College’i B.A. kraad poliitteadustes ja Chicago-Kent College of Law’st J.D. Akadeemiliselt kuulub korp! Indlasse. Gilda töötas advokaadina Ameerika valitsusele. 2013. aasta oktoobrist alates on Gilda diakonõpetaja ja teenib E.E.L.K. Chicago Esimest kogudust. Peale eesti tegevuse on Gilda aktiivne Ameerika ühiskonnas. Ta elab Chicago äärelinnas Arlington Heights’is abikaasa Fred Foy’ga.
Ma kandideerin, sest Eesti ja minu eesti päritolu on tähtsad mulle. Olen Ameerikas sündinud ja üles kasvanud, aga olen pühendanud suure osa oma elust eestlusele. Kui Eesti oli okupeeritud,
siis olin aktiivne vabadusvõitluses. Aitasin koostada ERKÜ esimese Eestit tutvustava värvivoldiku inglise keeles ja õpetasin teistele, kuidas tulemuslikult kirjutada ajalehtedele lugejakirju ja kuidas oma valitud esindajatega kontakti pidada. Tegin seda ka ise ja teen seda edasi. Tutvustan ka edasi Eestit ja Eesti huvisid Ameerika ühiskonnas. Aitasin propageerida Balti riikide vastuvõttu NATO’se ja Euroopa Liitu. Minu kauaaegsed kogemused („institutional memory“) ja tegevus on kasuks Ameerika eestlaskonnale. Palun, et teie valite mind tagasi ERKÜ liikmeks.
I have been an Estonian activist most of my life and have good knowledge and skills relating to the American political system.
Word constraints limit bilingual write-ups. E-mail me at [email protected] if you would like a translation of any of this information. I ask for your vote.
Olen osalenud peaaegu igal aastakoosolekul ja olen tihti olnud üks koosoleku juhatajatest. 2017. a. ma isegi muutsin Chicago kiriku jumalateenistuse pühapäeva, et osaleda aastakoosolekul.
I have participated in almost every annual meeting. In 2017 I even changed the date of the Estonian church service in Chicago to attend the EANC meeting.
Ma olin XX esinduskogu juhatuse liige ja ka juhatuses palju aastaid enne seda. XXI Esinduskogu liikmena ma aitasin kaasa raamatu “Eestlased Ameerikas” valmimisele. Valmistasin ka kirja (template), mida liikmetega jagasin, et saata kohalikele ajalehtedele Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäeva puhul. Ehin iga aasta Illinois Cook County Treasurer’i büroos ERKÜ nimel Eesti jõulupuu. Jälgin meediat ja saadan õiendusi, kui midagi Eesti kohta vajab parandamist. Varematel aastatel aitasin organiseerida Rahvusorganisatsioonide Kongressi Oregon’i LEP’il.
I was on the Board for the XX assembly and for many years prior. I was proofreader for the Estonians in America history book that was published in 2017.
Jackson, NJ
Ivan was born and raised in NJ. He attended Rutgers University and graduated with a B.A. in Business. He works as a Financial Analyst for a global bank. Ivan has always been involved with eestlus. His activities included: Lakewood and NY Eesti Koolid, Viiking and Vikerlased scout troops (NY and CT), Saare Vikat rahvatantsurühm (NY), Lakewoodi Eesti Ühing council member, Lastesuvekodu (Long Island), and many camps at Järvemetsa laager as an EMT in the ambulants and skautlaagri juht 2018. Ivan was chosen to visit Eesti in 2009 representing the USA skautide malev at Tagametsa Laager.
Eestlus has always been a focal point in my life. Culture is very important and my family always kept me in the „eestlus loop“ with eesti kool, skautlus, rahvatants, etc. I believe that giving a voice for young Estonians in ERKÜ is necesssary to make eestlus thrive. I have strong organizational skills which I use to plan and coordinate events and chair meetings. I was awarded a grant to attend the JBANC conference in 2015 and had the pleasure of meeting President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who grew up in my homestate and who was involved in the same organizations that I am. I thought then, that I would like to someday be part of an organization like ERKÜ to support eestlus in the USA. I realized that engagement and participation in Estonian activities can turn someone into a world leader!
Madison, SD
Sündisin-kasvasin Viljandis, lõpetasin Tartu Ülikooli eesti filoloogia eriala, doktorikraad võrdlevas kirjandusteaduses Turu Ülikoolist Soomes. Töötasin toimetajana kultuurilehes „Sirp“ ja ajakirjas „Keel ja Kirjandus“. 1982 vallandati töölt KGB survel, sest osalesin eesti keele ja rahva kaitseks kirjutatud nn 40 kirja koostamisel ja allkirjade kogumisel, olin seitse aastat töötu avaldamiskeelu all, kuni sain 1989 asuda tööle Eesti Kongressi välistoimkonnas ja Eesti Kultuurifondis. 1990. aastail Raadio Vaba Euroopa eestikeelsete saadete korrespondent Soomes. Isamaa ja Vabaerakonna asutajaliige, 1999-2003 Riigikogus Isamaaliidu avalike suhete nõunik. Alates 2005 elan USAs. Avaldanud 15 raamatut, sh suur monograafia Marie Underist. Vt koduleht
Tahan aidata kaasa eestlusele USAs. Olen kogu elu pühendanud eesti kultuuri uurimisele, avaldanud üle kolme tuhande artikli, arvustuse ja kolumni nii Eesti kui välisriikide ajakirjanduses, kirjutanud 15 raamatut eesti kirjandusest, kultuurist ja poliitikast, tõlkinud eesti keelde 10 raamatut. Olin nõukogude ajal poliitiliselt aktiivne, kaitsmaks eesti keele õigusi 1980. aastail, mil venestamise surve oli kõige jõhkram. Laulva revolutsiooni ajal töötasin kaks aastat vabatahtlikuna Eesti Kongressi välistoimkonnas, taastamaks katkestatud sidemeid Kodu- ja Välis-Eesti vahel.
1990. aastail Soomes elades asutasime Turus Eestikeskuse, pidasin Soomes sadu loenguid Eesti poliitikast, kultuurist, avaldasin Eestiteemalisi artikleid. Raadio Vaba Euroopa Soome kirjasaatjana vahendasin Eestisse Soome jt Põhjamaade reaktsioone Eesti taasiseseisvumisele ja edasisele arengule.
USAs elades olen osalenud ettekannetega New Yorgi kultuuripäevadel, KLENKi üritustel, AABSi konverentsidel. Alates 2011 õpetan eesti kirjandust Kotkajärve Metsaülikoolis. Alates 2012 kirjutan tasuta regulaarseid Eesti-teemalisi kolumne Vaba Eesti Sõnas jt väliseesti lehtedes Kanadas, Austraalias, Saksamaal, Rootsis, Venemaal, Postimehes jm, et toetada eesti kogukondi välismaal.
Venice, CA
Jüri Koll is a filmmaker, artist, curator, writer, educator and son of an Estonian artist and grandson of well known industrialist Rudolf Koll. He graduated from Cal Arts with a BFA in filmmaking and art, and went on to teach in the LAUSD, the Academy of Art University, and presently at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
His films have won many awards, and he is a member of the Director’s Guild of America. He has curated/produced exhibitions at museums in Europe and the United States. He mentors young adults for the LA County Department of Children and Family Services.
Jüri Koll was invited to participate in the West Coast Estonian Days (LA LEP 2017) as a panelist on the Estonia-Hollywood Seminar, and regularly attends Independence Day and other events at the Estonian House in Los Angeles. He has written and is developing a feature film called the Estonian Affair, a dramatization of his family history, in collaboration with Estonian and European producers and has visited Estonia several times for research.
Davie, FL
Sündinud Eesti jaoks maagilisel aastal 1991, kui Eesti sai vabaks. 11-aastaselt hakkasin tegelema ujumisega, mis on praeguseks andnud mulle globaalse väljundi. Hakkasin võistlema Eesti lipu all 13-aastaselt ja teen seda tänaseni. Lisaks mitmekordsele Eesti meistri tiitlile, olen võitnud medaleid Põhjamaade võistlustel taliujumise MMil. Hetkel olen kolmekordne Balti meister. Lisaks ujumisele olen kanda kinnitanud rahvusvahelise treeneri ja ettevõtjana. Igapäevaselt töötan oma firmas SWIMERA paremate ujumistoodete väljatöötamisega ja koordineerin seda rahvusvaheliselt. Hetkel jagan oma aega Eesti ja Ameerika vahel. Olen World of Swimming’u suursaadik ja uppumisurmade vähenemise eest võitlev isik.
Sportlasena olen alati olnud uhke Eesti riigi eest võisteldes. Pean väga tähtsaks oma igapäevatöös, et saaksin spordikultuuri tutvustada kõigile. Olen kutsunud ja seoses erinevate
rahvusvaheliste võistluste korraldamisega toonud Eestisse inimesi erinevatest riikidest. Usun, et Eesti on maagiline koht, mida iga inimene võiks korra külastada. Usun, et globaalsete eestlastena suudame koos oma kultuuri tutvustada ning kaasata ka inimesi teistest rahvustest,
et avada rohkem võimalus kasvõi poliitikas, majanduses või ühiskonnas. Pean isiklikult kõige tähtsamaks meie keele hoidmist, kodumaa turvalisust ja kultuuri ning ajaloo edasi andmist.
Osalesin EANC aastakoosolekul 2017 kui üks panelist ja Florida ettevõtja.
Richmond, VA
Maia Kersti Linask sündis Connecticutis ja elab praegu Richmond, Virginias. Haridus: 1995. a. bakalaureuse kraad ajaloo ja kirjanduse alal Harvardi Ülikoolist; 2005. a. magistrikraad rahvusvaheliste suhete alal Johns Hopkins’i Ülikoolist Washingtonis; 2012. a. doktorikraad majanduses Johns Hopkins’i Ülikoolis Baltimores. Praegu õpetab majandusosakonnas University of Richmondis. Mitmel pool osalenud eesti organisatsioonide tegevuses, m.h. Connecticuti rahvatantsurühmas Jaanik, Washingtoni rahvatantsurühmas Pillerkaar Connecticuti Eesti Seltsis ja 2010. aastast saadik ERKÜ esinduskogu liige.
Maia Kersti Linask was born on May 26, 1973 in Connecticut and currently resides in Richmond, VA. She earned her B.A. in history and literature from Harvard University in 1995, her M.A. in international relations from Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) in 2005, and her Ph.D. in economics from Johns Hopkins University in 2012. She is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Richmond. She has previously been an active member of many Estonian organizations, including the Connecticut folkdance group Jaanik, the Washington folkdance group Pillerkaar, and the Connecticut Estonian Society. She has been a representative to the Estonian American National Council (EANC) since 2010.
Tahan ERKÜs edasi esindada nooremate põlvkondade vaateid ja vajadusi. Pean vajalikuks, et ERKÜ suudab toetada Ameerika eesti organisatsioonide tegevust ja koostööd ning aidata Eesti riiki ja kultuuri laiemalt tutvustada ja tema heaolu kindlustada, ja seon ennast nende eesmärkidega. Tahan ERKÜs alustatud tööd edasi teha, et Ameerika eestlaste ja ERKÜ tegevusega kaasa tõmmata kõiki eestlasi ja Eesti-huvilisi ja jagada nendega kasulikku informatsiooni.
I would like to continue to represent the needs and perspectives of younger generations as an EANC member. I wish to continue to actively work toward EANC’s goals of supporting the activities and interaction of Estonian American organizations, introducing the country and culture of Estonia to a broader audience, and helping sustain Estonia’s well-being. I would like to carry on with the work of inviting all Estonian-Americans and Estophiles to participate in their local organizations, EANC, and the Estonian community in general and of sharing useful information with them.
Olen 2012. a. ERKÜ juhatuse liige (2014 a. sekretär), 2014. a. ERKÜ strateegiakomitee juhataja, 2016. a. ÜEKN laekur ja uue veebilehe kavandamise töögrupi liige.
I have been a Board member since 2012 (Secretary since 2014), Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee since 2014, Treasurer of the Estonian World Council since 2016, and a member of the website redesign working group.
Maple Valley, WA *
Kadri Linask-Goode has been a member of the EANC since 2014. She grew up in New Jersey, and currently resides in Maple Valley, Washington with her husband and two daughters. In addition to the EANC, over the years Kadri has actively participated in Estonian-American organizations in New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, and Virginia. Kadri has a bachelor’s degree from Drew University in New Jersey, and a master’s degree from Temple University in Pennsylvania. Kadri is currently working as a Governance and Assurance professional with Digital Realty.
I’m honored to have served on the Estonian American National Council these past four years and welcome the opportunity to continue serving the Estonian-American community as a Council member for another term. As the centers of Estonian-American life continue to grow beyond the traditional regions and cities, and as the Estonian-American community changes
in the US, I advocate for a continued emphasis on broadening EANC’s outreach across the country. Sharing EANC’s mission and collaborating with the many regional Estonian-American organizations will allow EANC to continue to remain a vital and relevant organization. EANC has made tremendous strides in this respect by taking its annual meetings, interesting and relevant panel programs, and galas “on the road” these past four years, reaching Estonian-Americans in Maryland, Connecticut, California, and Florida. We can continue to help preserve and promote our Estonian cultural heritage in the US and support Estonian interests more effectively by bringing us all together in conversation and spirit. This is particularly significant in times when we, as a community, need to speak as one.
I attended all EANC annual meetings during my time on the Council.
I reached out to my local Representative, the Hon. David Reichert, representing Washington’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. Congress to introduce EANC. As a result of my visit, Congressman Reichert joined the House Baltic Caucus in the House of Representatives.
I worked together with the 2016 EANC Gala San Francisco organizing committee as an editor helping to put together the extensive printed program for the event highlighting the meetings, programs, people, and sponsors that made for a memorable weekend.
Warrenton, VA
Mina olen mõistuse kunstnik, elu uurija ja sotsiaalne korraldaja. Teenin varsti oma bakalareusekraadi Virginia Tehnika ülikoolis äriinfotehnoloogias. Suvel võtan vastu IT nõuniku koha KPMG firmas. Tulevikus soovin ühendada oma filantroopilised huvid eesti kultuuriga.
Oma vanavanemate kultuuri ja keele juurtest tahan luua uusi harusid kaasaja huvilistega. 14-aastaselt lõpetasin ma Baltimore Eesti Täienduskooli. Eestlased olid tihti meil kodus külas. Suviti käisin Jõekääru, Lakewoodi ja LI Suvekodu laagrites. Mind valiti ka keelelaagrisse Pärnus ja samal suvel esinesin laste laulupeol. Liitusin ka Baltimore-Washingtoni Segakooriga ja laulsin viimasel laulupeol. Täiskasvanuna püüan edasi kanda sama vaimu, mis meid eestlastena ühendab. Meie hing kannab siis meid vaba rahvana kindlalt edasi. Noore kultuuri kangelanna perspektiivist tunnen, et kogukonnas on vaja näidata suunda ning selles soovin osaleda ning juhtida.
Woodland Hills, CA
Sündisin ja alustasin haridusteed Eestis, kõrgkoolides olen käinud Eestis, Lätis, Taanis ja Ameerikas, olen omandanud äri-ja juhtimisteaduse magistrikraadi. Elanud ja töötanud aastaid Saksamaal ja teinud äri kogu Euroopas, Aasias, Suurbritannias ja Ameerikas. Minu tegevused on olnud erinevates ärides ja valdkondades, sealhulgas olen olnud vastutav miljardidollarise aastaeelarve eest. Edukas töö erinevate rahvuste ja religioonidega üle maailma on võimalik tänu sellele, et olen väga koostööaldis ja alati kuulan kõikide seisukohti. Koos analüüsides olen leidnud parima lahenduse. Viimased 11 aastat olen elanud koos abikaasa ja kahe lapsega Los Angeleses.
Alates 2014 olen Los Angelese Eesti Seltsi president ning korraldanud palju erinevaid üritusi ja näitusi Los Angelese Eesti Majas. Samuti olin ka Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade 2017 asepresident ja tegevkorraldaja Los Angeleses.
Lisaks olen Estonian American Business Alliance president, kirjutan uudiskirja eestluse edendamisest vastaval veebilehel
Soovin kaasa aidata Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ameerika Ühendriikides töös, sest tunnen, et mul on palju kogemusi ja praktilisi nõuandeid, mida jagada, et aidata eestlasi Ameerikas ja kogu maailmas. Lisaks oman väga tihedaid kontakte Eestis erinevates valdkondades.
Osalesin ERKÜ 2017. aastakoosoleku seminaril Floridas esinejana ja külalisena.
Orinda, CA
Mati was born and raised in Los Angeles. He was very active in Estonian organizations and political organizations in his youth. He graduated USC with an MBA and moved to New York to pursue a career on Madison Avenue. There, he was active in meeskoor and eesti teater. Fortune brought him to San Francisco to work on Apple. He married his wife Silvi thirty years go. They have two children in college, Mikk and Kai. Mati has been General Manager for 2 privately owned companies and 2 public advertising agencies. Currently he is President of Market Direct serving Fortune 500 corporations.
I believe it is important for individuals from the West Coast to stand up and take active roles in the ERKÜ in promoting freedom, social, political and business causes of Estonians in America and internationally. I have dedicated my life to my family and the Estonian cause. I look back fondly to re-starting the San Francisco Estonian School in the1980’s; dancing with the LA and SF Folk Dance groups for dozens of years; presiding over the SF Estonian Society for years; being president of the 1993 Estonian Days (LEP); volunteering for 2001 LEP and being board member for 2013 ESTO/LEP; and presiding over Korp! Viro-nia (West Coast) to help it grow to +60 members. My greatest contribution perhaps is helping bring together the American and Estonian born into one cohesive community when things needed to change in San Francisco. With pride, I submit my candidacy.
Lakewood, NJ
My career began in finance specializing in the media industry. I organized over $2 billion of acquisitions in the communications industry. I have also held senior executive positions at various corporations that have required strategic operating assistance in turning around or starting up their operations.
Besides the Estonian American National Council, I have volunteered time in charitable organizations such as the Red Cross and Big Brothers. I was elected to the West Windsor School Board (NJ), where I was lead negotiator representing the board in negotiations with the NJEA Teachers, Principals, and Commercial Unions.
I have my MBA from Pepperdine University. I would like to increase the outreach of our organization and expand the influence of Estonian Americans in the United States. I have been an active member of the EstonianCommunity since childhood beginning with Eesti Kool (Estonian School). As a youth I represented Lakewood’s Estonian community in Folk Dancing, Athletics, Youth Events, and Scouts (as a Cub Scout Leader) Over the years I have volunteered to help operationally support the Lakewood Estonian House both financially as well as assisting with maintenance— and, volunteering wherever their leadership requested help. Moreover, I have been actively involved in the political arena representing Estonian American interests. I have enjoyed spending considerable time visiting with members of New Jersey’s congress and Senators along with their staff to further promote the interests of Estonian Americans. Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting with U.S. Ambassadors to Estonia and leaders of Estonia’s government.
I became a member of ERKU/EANC in 2014 and participated in various committees and became Treasurer. This position has led me to be an active participate in the Investment Committee where we are responsible for stewardship of testamentary funding that has been received over the years. Our funds have been responsibly invested with Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) so that we can increase and enhance our support for Estonian related activities throughout the United States. I led the search committee to hire a Director of D.C. Operations to expand our political reach enabling Congress to become increasingly aware of Estonian American interests. I have also been active in visiting members of congress and the senate so that our interests as Estonian Americans are represented. Finally, I have been an avid supporter of Vaba Eesti Sõna.
I have attended all annual meetings, and was voted on to the board by my peers. With the exception of two meetings all board meetings were attended.
Bethany, CT
Sündis Stockholmis ja tuli koos perekonnaga Kanadasse 1949. a. Edasi Ühendriikidesse 1950. a. Hariduse sai SUNY Geneseo’s (B.A. 1968), Syracuse’i Ülikoolis (M.S.W. 1972, M.Phil. 1982,
Ph.D. 1983, sotsiaalteaduste aladel) ja Yale’i Ülikoolis (Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry 1986-1988). Praegu Professor Southern Connecticut State University’s ja Assistant Clinical Professor Yale University’s. Avaldanud üle 50 teadusliku artikli (ka eestikeelseid).
Loenguid pidanud Tartu Ülikoolis, Tallinna Pedagoogika Ülikoolis, Kultuuripäevadel, Tartu Instituudis, Metsaülikoolis, KLENKi (IEP) päevadel, New Yorgis Kultuuripäevadel ja pidanud Tartu Ülikooli aastapäeva aktuse kõne ning kõnelenud Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva aktustel.
Abikaasa Kristi (neiuna Ranna). Kuulun Korp! Fraternitas Esticasse.
Soovin kandideerida ERKÜ Esinduskokku sellepärast, et tahan esindada ERKÜ’s oma Uus-Inglismaa piirkonna rahvast, eriti Connecticuti eestlaskonda. Tahan töötada väliseestluse säilitamise heaks. Tahan kaasa lüüa ja aidata lahendada eestlusega seonduvaid tähtsaid küsimusi ning eestlusi puudutavaid probleeme.
Kokku olen olnud ERKÜ XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, ja XX Esinduskogudes. Olen osalenud kaheksateistkümnel (18) ERKÜ aastakoosolekul. Olin ERKÜ Uus-Inglismaa piirkonna direktor. Kirjutasin lugejakirju ajalehtedele, võtsin ühendust Kongressi liikmetega, kirjutasin kirju Ameerika presidentidele. Olin E.L.L.A. (Estonian Latvian Lithuanian Alliance) juhatuse liige. Olen olnud Rootsi ja Saksamaa delegaat Ülemaailmses Eesti Kesknõukogus (ÜEKN). VI Ülemaailmse Eesti Rahvuskongressi korraldava toimkonna liige (laekur) ja Connecticuti Eesti Seltsi juhatuse liige viisteist (15) aastat.
San Diego, CA *
Born in Bridgeton, NJ on December 12, 1953.
Resides in San Diego, California.
Retired bank Executive.
Graduate of Tallinn University (Estonian Language Certification).
Employed as a teacher/ foreign lecturer at The Estonian Business School in Tallinn, Estonia.
Fluent in Estonian.
Dual Citizenship, United States and Estonia.
Curently a council member of ERKÜ, Estonian American National Council, Inc.
Currently President, Baltic American Freedom League, Inc.
Currently an elected member of the ÜEKN, Estonian World Council, Inc.
Currently the treasurer of ESTO 2019.
Very active with the Estonian American Chamber of Commerce in Tallinn, Estonia.
Very active with numerous Estonian American activities including the organizations listed above as well as with mentoring and teaching in Estonia, both at the Estonian Business School college and their high school. Lectures presented both in English and Estonian.
Supervisor and mentor to graduating seniors developing their final thesis.
Actively participated in many of the EV100 activities, namely establishing my personal gift to Estonia which was the refurbishment of the cemetaries in Saaremaa, Estonia.
Presented a number of lectures to Estonian citizens, both in Tallinn and in Saaremaa on US and Estonia relations on a wide range of topics.
Actively attend JBANC (Joint Baltic American Nation Council) conferences and lend support to the organization and to their director as needed.
Active with the Baltic Studies/Stanford Libraries Dept at Stanford Univeristy, attending numerous conferences and summits.
Established a professional and friendly relationship with the US Ambassador to Estonia.
Very active with EANC, namely with their fund raising and outreach. Assisted in thedevelopment of the Presidents Council (large individual and corporate donors), written numerous individual letters and established many new contacts who now are aware of the EANC, and many who have become active supporters, both personally and financially.
Attended annual meetings, namely from 2014 through 2017 in Connecticut, Washington, San Fransisco. For those conferences assisted in securing special guests and speakers and participated on panels as requested.
Actively , as a council member, have been in charge of fundraising. Namely in 2016, coordinated a fund raising drive for the EANC which successfully attained very satisfactory results to our goals which were established.
Currently a member of the EANC Investment Committee 2018.
Kensington, MD
Sündisin Geislingenis, Saksamaal. Lapsepõlve veetsin Wilmingtonis, Delaware’is. Elan praegu Kensingtonis, MD, Washington DC lähedal. Töötasin USA riigikontrolli ametis (U.S.Government Accountability Office) 33 aastat, kus olin viimati vastutav nende sisekontrolli eest. Haridus: B.A., University of Pennsylvania, magistrikraadid Columbia ja Marylandi ülikoolidest.
Born in Geislingen, Germany. Grew up in Wilmington, Delaware. Currently living in Kensington, MD, near Washington, DC. Worked for 33 years at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), in a variety of positions managing and auditing internal operations. Education: B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.S. degrees from Columbia University and the University of Maryland.
Soovin aidata ERKÜ töö edasiarendamisega. Olen esimehena loonud tugevaid sidemeid mitme organisatsiooniga ja ka Eesti saatkonnaga, et tugevdada Ameerika eestlaste häält Washingtonis. Viisin ellu ERKÜ tutvustamise ja informatsiooni jagamise programme, näiteks “Teataja” ringkirja tasuta saatmist ja publikule avatud seminaride pidamist koosaastakoosolekuga. Olen esinenud üritustel, koosolekutel, demonstratsioonidel ja mujal. Ülemaailmse Eesti Kesknõukogu esimehena loodan tugevdada sidemeid Eesti valitsuse ja eestlaste vahel välismaal.
I wish to help further the work of EANC. As president I have established strong contacts with organizations and the Estonian Embassy to further Estonian American interests in Washington. I have instituted programs to introduce EANC and to disseminate information, including the free newsletter “Teataja“ and the holding of public seminars together with EANC annual meetings. I have spoken at events, meetings, demonstrations, and elsewhere. As president of the Estonian World Council I hope to strengthen the ties between the Estonian government and Estonians abroad.
Olen 28 aastat ERKÜ esinduskogu liige, nendest 12 aastat (1994-2006) abi-esimees ja laekur ja 12 aastat (2006-2018) esimees. Esindan ERKÜ’t Ülemaailmse Eesti Kesknõukogu (ÜEKN) ja ka Ühendatud Balti Ameerika Komitee (JBANC) juhatustes (2006 praeguseni). Praegu JBANCi esimees. Esindasin ERKÜ’t Kesk- ja Ida Euroopa Koalitsioonis (CEEC) Washingtonis 2006 – 2017. Olen osalenud kõikidel ERKÜ aastakoosolekutel 2009-2017.
I have attended all EANC meetings, 2009-2017. Council member for 28 years, EANC treasurer and vice president for 12 years (1994-2006) and president for 12 years (2006-present). EANC representative on the Estonian World Council and JBANC boards (2006-present). Currently JBANC president. EANC representative to the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) in Washington (2006-2017).
Albuquerque, NM
Founder & CEO of Kivi Financial Group, an independent financial planning and investment management firm, since 2002. Series 24 General Securities Principal, Series 7 Securities License, Investment Advisory Representative License, Life & Health License. Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC). MBA, University of New Mexico, 1997.
I would love to be able to give back to the Estonian-American community that instilled so much in me as a child and had a huge influence in shaping me into the adult that I am now (eesti kool, rahvatants, Long Island Laste Suvekodu, etc.). As I see my parents’ generation dwindle in numbers and ability to carry the tasks of keeping organizations like this running at an optimal level, I’d like to get involved, and help ensure the vitality and success of EANC’s mission.
San Francisco, CA
Tiina is a biotech marketing and business development executive. Born in Estonia, she finished her graduate studies at Max Planck Institute in Munich before moving to San Francisco for a post-doctoral fellowship at UCSF. She then worked at UCSF as a staff research scientist before transferring to biotech industry where she has held various management positions with multinational large corporations as well as smaller startups.
She is a founder of Bio-Antares LLC and continues to work as an independent consultant and a senior consulting partner at a global business consultancy group Bridge4Bio Inc., Headquartered in San Francisco Bay Area.
Throughout the last decade I have volunteered and will continue volunteering at various events organized by SF Eesti Selts. It has always been a delightful and soulful experience and an opportunity to meet friends I know and make new friends. It is also an opportunity to speak Estonian more often. I will also volunteer at AABS 2018 in Stanford and continue to help organize other events to honor and celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the Estonian Republic during this year. The best example would be the exhibit and associated events for “Estonia Through 100 Pairs of Eyes”, a critically acclaimed exhibit that opened in Eesti Rahva Muuseum in Tartu. I plan to continue and help SF Eesti Selts as much as possible and would love to get more involved at a national level.
West Long Branch, NJ
Current residence: West Long Branch, NJ
Hometown: Lakewood, NJ
Family: Wife and three children
Occupation: Environmental consultant
Age: 40-something
Education: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a Masters of City and Regional Planning, concentrating in Environmental and Physical Planning
Hobbies: Writing, outdoor activities, chasing after three children
Why am I a candidate? As an incumbent on the Council and the Board, I hope to continue advocating for Estonian causes within the United States. I hope to help modernize the EANC, to better reflect the realities and needs of today’s Estonian-Americans. I hope to help make the EANC more relevant to your needs and desires.
How have I supported Estonian activities? I have served on the EANC Board of Directors for the past four years. In my free time, I periodically write for Estonian World, an online English language webzine focusing on global Estonian issues. I am a Board member of the Lakewood Estonian Lutheran Church. I am a member of the Lakewood Estonian Association, and when family life allows, a volunteer. And, in keeping the culture alive, I can bake a fantastic kringel – one taste, and you’d think I was an Estonian grandmother.
Member of EANC for the past four years.
Attended all four annual meetings during my tenure (2014-2017)
• Board member from 2014- present
• I have assisted with committee work as time allows, have written on behalf of the EANC, and have worked to modernize the EANC and push for re-branding. We owe immense thanks to the thousands of volunteer hours that have preceded us, it’s simply amazing what has been accomplished historically. However, by drawing on past successes, it is time to advance the EANC into the modern age and reconnect with our youth.
Narberth, PA
Born in Boston to Reet Juhkam Soosaar and Keto Soosaar, finished Boston Estonian School. MBA from the University of Oxford, BA in political science and French from the University of Virginia.
Trilingual household: I speak only Estonian and French with children Roori (10) and Sass (7), while my wife Jennifer speaks to them in English and French.
Career to date has been in the investment world – currently managing partner of Vinland Ventures (invests in Baltic/Nordic startups to bring them to North America) and co-founder of Factury, Inc. (a Baltic startup focused on the fixed income industry – i.e. loans/bonds – based in Riga and Philadelphia).
I am currently a board member of the EANC, and have been pushing the Council to be more active in its capacity as the umbrella organization for Estonians in the USA, particularly in business, cultural, and youth activities – and wish to continue with this push, though not to the exclusion of its other activities.
I am very active in Estonian and Baltic activities, serving as the head of Philadelphia’s Estonian community, a board member of the Estonian Students Fund (“Toetusfond”), Rotalia Fond (in Estonia), as a teacher and parent volunteer at the New York Estonian School, and am spearheading the resurrection of the Koolifond.
I also am heavily involved in support of my children’s activities in Estonian School and in the East Coast Estonian Chorus (“Laulurõõm”).
I have attended EANC annual meetings in Baltimore (2015) and San Francisco (2016). I also attend the monthly 2-3 hour telephonic board meetings.
I have served as a board member since 2014, and served on the investment and strategy committees. In 2016, I stepped off the strategy subcommittee to take on election committee responsibilities, but continue to serve on the investment committee.
Barrington, RI
Eric Suuberg sündis 23. novembril 1951 New Yorgis, nn. “vana-eestlaste” perekonda (kes olid juba ümber asunud New Yorki enne Teist maailmasõda). Kõrghariduse sai Massachusettsi Tehnoloogiainstituudis (MIT): 1976. a. magistrikraadi majanduses ja 1978. a. keemiainseneri doktorikraadi. Suuberg on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud kütuse keemia ja keskkonnakaitse eriteadlane. On töötanud külalisprofessorina Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis (TTÜs). On mitmete teadusnõukogude ja -ühingute liige. Tema teaduspublikatsioonide arv ulatub kaugele üle saja. Arendab aktiivselt kultuurisidemeid Eestiga, on tihedates sidemetes TTÜ keemiateadlastega ning on varematel aastatel korraldanud Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikide stipendiumide jagamist Eestis. TTÜ audoktor 2007. aastast väljapaistvate saavutuste eest ning tunnustamaks tema teeneid Eesti ja Ameerika Ühendriikide teadus- ja kultuurisidemete arendamisel.
Olen eluaeg näinud eestlust kohustusena, mis pärineb vanematest ja vanavanematest. Ema oli eluaeg aktiivne New Yorgi eestlaskonnas, töötades lühidalt Eesti konsulaadis, hiljem pagulaste ümberasustamise juures 1940ndatel ja peale seda mitmes organisatsioonis. Vanaema oli 1940ndatel aktiivne NY Eesti Haridusseltsi juhatuse liige ja osales Abistamiskomitee ja Long Islandi Suvekodu asutamises. Nende tegevuste ja saavutuste üle olen uhke, aga need on ka tagapõhjaks sellele, miks minul on huvi edasi kanda sama vaimu. Tänu sellele taustale on mul teada, millised olid siin USAs elavate eestlaste suhted kodu- Eestiga nii enne kui nüüdki. On selge, et on ülimalt kasulik kui Eesti on siin maal tuntud ja hästi esindatud ja mitte ainult meie ametlike diplomaatide poolt vaid ka igapäevases elus. Et oleks siin rahvas ja organisatsioonid, mis võtavad lahkelt vastu need, kes Eestist siia tulevad kas pikemaks või lühemaks ajaks, ja kes on kursis sellega, mis toimub Eestis, et seda seletada meie USA ringkonnale.
Olen igal aastal osalenud ERKÜ aastakoosolekutel katkestamatult üle 20 aasta.
Olen praegu ERKÜ juhatuse liige, milles olen viimased 4 aastat teeninud aseesimehena. Olen ka nüüd ERKÜ poolt üks Nordic Press’i (s.o. Vaba Eesti Sõna) juhatuse liige. Olen ka ERKÜ poolt määratud Ülemaailmse Eesti Kesknõukogu delegaat (ja revident). Hiljuti võtsin vastu Eesti Abistamiskomitee juhatusse koha, kusjuures loodan, et saan aidata tugevdada meie organisatsioonide vahelist koostööd.
Kuigi see ei ole otseselt seotud ERKÜ’ga, hoian ma suhteid Eestis alustavate ettevõtete keskkonnaga, kuhu ma iga paari aasta järel viin oma Brown’i Ülikoolist õpilasgruppe külastama sealseid idufirmasid.
Mantua, OH
Sündinud Rootsis, üles kasvanud USAs. Ülikooli lõpetanud Kent State BA, antropoloogia alal, University of Oregon MLS raamatukoguhoidjana. Töötasin 31 aastat Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Project Managerina.
My focus on Estonian activities has been local, organizing the Estonian Christmas party, Independence Day and June 24th Võidupüha/Jaanipäev get togethers for Northern Ohio. I am the Secretary/Treasurer of the Estonian Cultural Garden in Cleveland. I am politically active and use my position as a member of EANC to support Estonian causes by being in contact with my Congressional and Senate representatives. Being an EANC member allows me to have a stronger voice and has helped me establish a relationship with the staff of these politicians.
I just finished my first term as a member of EANC and attended three annual meetings (Stamford CT, San Francisco, CA, and St. Petersburg, FL).
Rockville, MD
Ma sündisin Tacoma, Washingtonis, aktiivsesse eesti perekonda. Lapsepõlves (olles viieaastane), kolisime kolmeks aastaks Saksamaale. Seal käisin Stuttgart’i eesti koolis. Tagasi tulles Washingtoni osariiki olin aktiivne rahvatantsija Seattle’i rahvatantsurühmas, olin ka iluvõimlemise grupis. Osalesin alati Lääneranniku eesti päevadel. 1985 lõpetasin University of Washingtoni. Pärast seda avanes võimalus kolida idakaldale, olin JBANC’is intern. Ka idakaldal osalesin rahvatantsurühmas ja laulsin Baltimore naiskooris. 1989 New Yorki elama asudes, jätkasin õpinguid Columbia ülikoolis. Selle kooli lõpetasin PhD kraadiga. Samal ajal olin õpetaja New Yorgi Eesti Kooli lasteaias. Praegune töökoht on Bethesta MDNational Institute of Health, kus olen Program Director.
Olen huvitatud kandideerimisest esinduskokku, et aidata eestlust Ameerikas alal hoida.
Eestlusele olen kaasa aidanud olles tegev:
Seattle rahvatantsurühmas,
kuulunud Korp. Amicitiasse,
osa võtnud Seattle’i Eesti koguduse leerist,
osalenud Metsaülikoolis Vancouver’is, Canada,
JBANC intern,
Washington DC rahvatantsurühm,
laulnud Baltimore naiskooris,
New Yorgi Eesti Koolis õpetaja,
Board of Directors Eesti-Ameerika Fond,
JBANC – Estonian Representative,
ERKÜ – Board of Directors. Osalen iga kuu konverentsikõnes.
Olen JBANC’i ERKÜ liige – iga kuu on koosolek ja iga teine aasta on konverents.
Upper Montclair, NJ
Longtime New Jersey resident. Frequent visitor to Estonia. Small business owner. Political junkie, policy wonk, library lover. Lifelong cheerleader for Estonia and things Estonian. Member, founder, and supporter of Estonian-American business, cultural, and educational organizations. Outstanding graduate of NYEHS Eesti Kooli (1985). B.A. in political science, film, and journalism, Duke University (1990). International Trade & Finance Program at New York University School Of Professional Studies (1997). Award-winning communications strategist with extensive experience at major museums, non-profits, and cultural institutions. Currently Mayor’s Representative on Board Of Trustees of Montclair Public Library & Foundation in Montclair, NJ.
Üritan teha, mida saan, et kanda edasi Ameerika eestlaste kultuuripärandit, suurendada meie rahvuslikku tegevust ning aidata kindlustada Eesti jätkuvat vabadust. Olen pühendanud enamuse oma vaba aega ja karjääri, et aktiivselt osaleda Eesti-Ameerika kogukonna tegevuses, järjekindlalt toetada Eestit ja pidevalt tugevdada USA-Eesti sidemeid ning suurendada Eesti mainet ja nähtavust Ameerikas. 2015. a. aitasin Vermontis põhineval Ameerika koorirühmal korraldada ja reklaamida edukat eesti koorimuusika kontserti, kus osales üle 450 ameeriklase, sealhulgas Eesti suursaadik USAs. Varem olin kultuurifestivali ESTO ’92 reklaamijuht ning oma tööga aitasin tuua esmakordselt Carnegie Hall’i ja Nassau Colesium’i lavadele esinejaid taasiseseisvast Eestist. 1995. a. asutasin Baltic Business Information Network konsultatsioonifirma Eesti ja USA vahelise kaubanduse, turismi ja majanduse edendamiseks ja tutvustasin edukalt taasiseseisva Eesti ärijuhte USA investorite, pankurite, ja valitsusametnikega. Hetkel olen juhatuse liige Lakewoodi Eesti Ühingus ja Korp! Frat. Estica USA Koondises. Varem olen olnud NYEHS, Nordic Press, Inc. ja EELK Bergen County Koguduse juhatuse liige.
Olen olnud ERKÜ Esinduskogu liige alates 1994. a. ja ERKÜ juhatuse liige 2002. a. – 2014. a.
I attended the EANC annual meetings approximately 4 times during the past 8 years, more frequently prior to that.
In addition to organizing congressional visits and youth participation for numerous JBANC conferences over 20 years, the most significant EANC project I did was working unpaid for 6 years with filmmakers Jim and Maureen Tusty in fundraising and managing media coverage for The Singing Revolution documentary film, which was cofinanced by EANC and introduced Estonian history, music, and culture to the American public on an unprecedented scale through nationwide theatrical screenings, TV broadcasts, and extensive distribution of educational DVDs to U.S. teachers and schools.
Loxahatchee, FL
Terje van Schaik is President and co-owner of Greenspeed USA LLC. Her company provides green cleaning products and disinfectant systems. Terje moved with her family to Florida, West Palm Beach from Estonia 2006, when there was an opportunity to develop business in the USA. Before that, she worked for seven years at the Estonian national flight company Estonian Air as cabin crew and later as senior cabin crew member. Terje has studied at the Mainor School of Economics for business management in Viljandi, at the Law Institute in Tallinn and studied Applied Psychology with specialization in Service management at the Estonian Entrepreneurship University.
Olen olnud Lõuna-Florida Eesti Seltsi juhatuses mitmeid aastaid. Praegu olen LFES sekretär. Eestluse edendamine ning edasi kandmine on olnud mulle alati südamelähedane.
Eesti kogukonnad Ameerikas vajavad uut lähenemist eestluse arengul. Eestlased Ameerikas ei vaja mitte ainult kultuurilist ja poliitilist väljundit. Oma esinduskogus viibimise ajal soovin tähelepanu pöörata eestlaste ärisuhetele ja võimalustele Ameerikas. Eestlased Ameerikas vajavad platvormi, mille kaudu ärisuhted Ameerikas oleksid toetatud nii Eesti riigi esindajate, Eesti kogukondade kui ERKÜ poolt.
Usun, et oma uuenduslike ideede, aktiivsuse ning kogemustega olen sobilik kandidaat ERKÜ 2018 valimistel.
Olin ERKÜ guest speaker 2017 aastakoosolekul äripaneeli osas.
Sleepy Hollow, NY
Born in Toronto, Canada. Active in Scouting in the 1960’s, Metsaülikooli juhatuse komitee, cultural and arts organizations in the 1970’s, BATUN president for 15 years, volunteer member Estonian UN mission for 4 years. Cornell B’Arch, U. of Chicago MBA. 31 years as a securities analyst at JPMorgan Investment Management in New York. Married with two children. Author of a 65 page paper on Human Rights in Estonia that was widely disseminated in the early 1990’s. AABS member 40 years.
While I am no longer as active as I was 20-45 years ago (before marriage and children), I want to maintain my relationship with ERKÜ and ERKÜ members so that we can defend Estonia’s independence if the political situation in the Baltic deteriorates. I would also be happy to serve on the Finance committee once I am retired and no longer subject to my employer’s corporate Compliance rules.
Attended the Petersburg 2017 EANC annual meeting and most of the annual meetings held at the BWI airport. Prevented several times by having to attend my company’s finance sector equity research conferences in Asia or Europe.
* praegune Esinduskogu liige / current Council member