Julia Aasmaa lõpetas 2021. a. mais Lafayette College’i Easton, Pennsylvanias, saavutades Bachelor of Arts (BA) kraadi majanduse ja sotsioloogia/antropoloogia alal.
Julia veetis 2020. õppeaasta kevadsemestri majandusõpingutes City University of London’is Inglismaal ja kavatseb asuda majandus-turunduse alal tööle. Tulevikus tahab ta oma haridust täiendada MBA kraadiga.
Julia on pärit Mountain Lakes, New Jersey’ist ja on olnud tegevliige Eesti kogukonnas.
Julia vanemad on Rein ja Katherine Aasmaa ja vanavanemad on Felix ja Linda Schletter, Dolores(†) Schletter ja Virve (†) ja Ilmar (†) Aasmaa.
Julia Aasmaa graduated from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania in May, 2021, with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics and Sociology/Anthroplogy.Julia was able to study abroad at the City University of London in the United Kingdom during the 2020 spring semester, focusing on Economics.
She will be entering the field of business/marketing, and plans on attending graduate school in the future to attain her MBA. Julia was born and raised in Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, and has been an active participant in the Estonian community.Julia’s parents are Rein and Katherine Aasmaa, and her grandparents are Felix and Linda Schletter, Dolores(†) Schletter, and Virve(†) and Ilmar(†) Aasmaa.