Lydia Erakare lõpetas 2022 jaanuarikuul Monmouth ülikooli, Long Branch, New Jersey’s saavutades Master of Education (MEd) kraadi kooli nõustajana. Lydia on pärit New Jersey’ist. Ta lõpetas algkooli ja keskkooli Albion’is, New Yorgis. Ta saavutas Bachelor of Edu-cation kraadi SUNY (State University of New York) New Paltz’is ja on töötanud kooliõpetajana vahepeal. Lydia on võtnud aktiivselt osa Eesti Luteriusu Kiriku Lakewoodi Pühavaimu koguduse teenistustest, töötanud kiriku majahoidjana ja jumalateenistuste lindistajana. Ta kavatseb jääda tööle New Jersey’sse ja olla abiks oma vanavanematele kogu-duse töös.Lydia vanemad on Maarit Vaga ja Jan-Mikael Erakare, ja vanavanemad on piiskop Thomas ja Airi Vaga, Jouko (†) ja Irmeli Erakare.
This past January, Lydia graduated from Monmouth University with honors at the top of her class, earning a Master of Education degree in School Counseling. Born in New Jersey, Lydia received elementary and high school education in Albion, NY. She graduated with a Bachelor of Education from SUNY New Paltz and worked as a teacher before embarking on her graduate degree. Lydia has been active at the Lakewood Esto-nian Lutheran Church as caretaker for the church building, and live-streaming church services. Lydia is planning to remain in the area and work as a school counselor while assisting her maternal grandparents in their ministry.
Lydia’s parents are Maarit Vaga and Jan-Mikael Erakare. Her maternal grandparents are bishop Thomas and Airi Vaga, and her paternal grandparents Jouko (†) and Irmeli Erakare.