Young Estonians and Estonian youth from around the world, who are visiting Estonia or coming to participate in the Song and Dance Festival this summer, are invited to take part in a special event which will take place on June 29 at the Apollo Cinema Coca-Cola Plaza in Tallinn.
The event is being organized by the Integration Foundation in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture.
At the event, various ways in which young people can keep in touch with Estonia and promote Estonianism around the world will be introduced.
After the introductory greeting, information will be shared about the possibilities of how to become more familiar with Estonian life (camps, internship opportunities, etc.).
Young people have the opportunity to meet the American-born singer Daniel Levi Viinalass, who will tell the story of his arrival in Estonia and how he became a singer there.
The evening ends with the film “On the Water”, which is about “Estonianness,” keeping in touch with one’s roots and dreams.