SASAFF (SLA Art Space Animation Film Festival-2023) New York City is the FIRST ever festival in the US exhibiting animated short films from the three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The program is curated by well known animators – Ülo Pikkov, Vladimir Leščovs, and Valentas Aškinis.
The animators will present their films and talk in depth about the process of producing them in their countries. Check the festival’s schedule for more details.
SASAFF NYC 2023 is pleased to also host animated films from Nordic countries. The program is curated by Anders Narverud Moen, the Fredrikstad Animation Festival’s director and leader.
SLA Art Space team is excited to invite New York City audiences to immerse in the animation world filled with captivating stories and visual innovation.
October 25 – 28
SLA Art Space
307 W 30th St, NYC
Monument to the 1944 Great Flight Opened in Pärnu