ERR News – Estonian go-vernment has approved the Estonain renewable energy activity plan up to 2020, increasing the percentage of renewables by one-quarter of total energy consumption.
Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts pledges that the country wlll fulfill its obligations to the European Union. The interim target for next year is 19.4 per cent, ETV reported.
Head of the renewable energy business Unit of Eesti Energia Ando Leppiman said the plan will increase the interest in renewable energy from energy companies while the planned cuts in subsidies will temper the interest.
The Reform Party continues to oppose decreasing subsidies for renewable energy projects already in progress.
According to the ministry’s latest draft legal act on subsidies, the state will guarantee about 0.06 euro per kilowatt hour generated from renewable sources, paying the difference between that level and a company’s actual profit.