JUNE 9, 2020
The recent Administration proposal to significantly scale back American troops in Germany by 25 percent raises several concerns. The reduction of our troops based in Germany would not only curtail the United States’ operational military presence in Europe but sends a message that the U.S. is not keeping up with its commitments to its NATO allies.
As a non-partisan organization, the Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) believes in and advocates for robust transatlantic relations, not just between the United States and the Baltic countries, but with all of our NATO allies. America’s commitment to its NATO allies is fundamental to ensuring its own security. JBANC urges the Administration to reaffirm its support of all NATO allies and to reconsider the proposed move.
This potential withdrawal from Germany will be welcomed by those intent to divide the West as a sign of vulnerability in the Atlantic alliance and fading American leadership on the world stage. A significant troop pullback from the heart of Europe would be extremely counterproductive for American national security and that of our allies globally.
As the NATO alliance continues to deter conventional warfare and thwart unconventional threats that seek to erode global stability, the United States cannot allow any weakening of commitment to stand with our allies, especially in Europe. U.S. presence within the NATO alliance continues to prevent devastating conflicts that brought American forces to Europe in the first place. The American military presence in Germany plays a critical role in protecting U.S. interests in Europe and beyond. Since Russia has not scaled back its own aggressive stance in Europe, American resolve is as important as ever. Baltic-Americans understand well the importance of effective American leadership in support of the Alliance.
Karl Altau
JBANC Managing Director