All all-laagri (sub-camp) groups say thanks for their meal in different ways at the Kotkajärve köök (kitchen), including traditional songs and unique hüüud (cheers). The hundud (cubs) definitely have the noisiest expressions of thanks: they have sent vee/raketid (pressurized water bottle rockets) shooting off into the sky and have also grabbed pillid (musical instruments). Showing off his trompet (trumpet) prowess is hundude all-laagri juht (head of cub camp) nskm Peter Türk with abi-juht (head assistant) Marcus Tamm looking on. Another co-leader, Sirli Arumäe from Eesti, has her kannel (zither) along. Stay tuned for more originality. Photos and texts: Riina Kindlam
Vibu/laskmine (archery) was attempted for the first time ever by many hellakesed (brownies) at the Rahvakett or “Chain of People’s” jamboree. On the left, Tiit Lillemaa from Tartu is helping Annely Kütt and local skm Enno Agur is instructing Emma Nipernado. There are ca 180 people currently at Kotkajärve including a contingent of 28 skaudid, gaidid and juhid (leaders) from the U.S. and 25 from Eesti.