The Connecticut Estonian Society (CES) will hold its annual observance of Victory Day (võidupüha and St. John’s Night (jaaniõhtu) on June 25th at the Estonian Society’s Land (Eesti Maa), 25 Times Farms Road, Andover, CT 06232. Come and enjoy our beautiful Estonian Land with friends and family. The rain date is Sunday, June 26th, at the same time.
The gate will open at 3:00 pm, volleyball and other activities are possible, and the Victory Day bonfire will be ceremoniously lit at 4:00 pm, followed by the formal program. It features the keynote speaker, Professor Bradley Woodworth Ph.D., the Coordinator of the Baltic Studies Program at Yale University.
In addition to Professor Woodworth’s talk, the CES will celebrate and bestow the status of “Honored CES Members” (Auliikmed) upon the following individuals: Tiiu Anson, Ylo Anson, Indrik Linask, Rein Linask, Erich Siismets, and Heidi Siismets. This honor recognizes their significant contributions to the Connecticut Estonian community.
Dinner will occur at 5:30 pm and features hotdogs, hamburgers, sauerkraut, salads, etc. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dessert to share and their favorite beverage. People are also encouraged to bring lawn chairs.
There will also be the REDHOT SAUNA from New York City, a huge hit last year. Those who plan to partake must bring their sauna supplies (towels, bathing suits, change of clothes, etc.). Saunas have been part of Estonian culture for centuries. During pre-Christian times, the sauna was a spiritual place where one communed with one’s ancestors. Going to the sauna is a health-promoting experience that leaves people relaxed, contented, and with an enhanced sense of well-being. Join us for this unique opportunity deeply rooted in Estonian culture! There will be a $15 charge for this sauna experience.
The donations at the gate are as follows: $10 for admission, including the dinner. Participants are also encouraged to pay their CES membership dues to our treasurer (Margus Laan 3 Russell St. Wallingford CT 06492).
The current CES dues are as follows: Adult $40; Senior (65 years old or older) $30; Student (16 to 21 years of age) $10.
The Connecticut Estonian Society