Estonian Society of Central Florida / Kesk Florida Eesti Selts supi ja võileiva lõunasöök 7. jaan. 2018. St. Petersburg, FL. Foto: Erkki Taada
The Estonian Society of Central Florida / Kesk Florida Eesti Selts highly popular luncheon returned again to kick off the 2018 New Year. Thirty-three members came together to enjoy our Estonian Soup and Sandwich Potluck Luncheon /”Eesti supp ja võileib” lõunasöök.
Anneliis Kuusik and Kaie Põhi Latterner provided warming frikadellisupp and tomatisupp. Our members contributed traditional Estonianrecipe sandwiches such as kilu- ja heeringavõileivad and kapsa- ja porgandipirukad, salads such as seenesalat and värskekurgisalat, and desserts including roosamanna and Kalevi shokolaad to round out our smorgasbord lunch. This has become one of our favorite and most delicious events of the year!
Please visit our Calendar of Events so you can make plans to join us at future events in February, March and April. We hope especially you will want to join us for our Estonian Society of Central Florida-/Kesk Florida Eesti Selts Gala Celebration of Estonia’s 100th Anniversary of Independence on March 10, 2018! Details are included on our website at
Lisa A. Mets
Kesk Florida Eesti Selts
St. Petersburg, Florida