ERR News – The XXVI song and XIX dance festival issued 154,000 tickets and invitations in total, with 33,000 singers and 10,000 dancers performing.
There were 153,822 tickets sold and invitations issued in total for this year’s three dance performances and two concerts of the Song and Dance Festival titled “Touched by Time. The Time to Touch”, reported today.
In total, 33,025 singers and 1,046 groups took part and the stage of the Song Festival grounds accommodated more than 22,000 people at one time. There were 1,240 foreign performers at the festival.
More than 42,000 people took part in the festival procession to the Song Festival grounds.
There were 490 musicians and 50 music groups at the festival.
There were 34,365 tickets sold to the three performances of the dance festival, and 52,135 and 67,322 tickets sold to the first and second concert of the song festival respectively.
The event was covered by nearly 450 foreign journalists.