Cleveland area Estonians gathered at Der Braumeis-ter restaurant to celebrate independence day. We had Estonians from as far away as Dayton, OH and Ann Arbor, MI in attendance.
After lunches were ordered, Toomas Tubalkain introduced Latvian representative Karlis Blooms and Lithuanian Honorary Consul Mrs. Ingrida Bublys. They both gave brief statements congratulating Estonia on the 107th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Both also mentioned their concern for European security in these unsettled times. Keynote speaker Toomas Tubal-kain remembered the Estonian heroes who first secured our independence, those soldiers who fought the Russians in the Second World War and the dissidents and astute politicians who engineered the restoration of independence in 1991.
The pride we have for our homeland’s leadership in the EU and NATO helping Ukraine fight the Russian aggression was highlighted. Ukraine winning against Russia is the best way to keep Estonia and the rest of Europe secure from Russian invasion. Our support for NATO and the European Union is instrumental in Ukraine’s war against Russian aggression.
The opportunity to lobby our Senators and congressmen during JBANCs Baltic Call to Action on April 1 and 2 was mentioned. US support is instrumental and we want to ensure it continues. If Russia is allowed to win, they will most likely invade the Baltic countries next. We already celebrate Estonia’s independence twice per year, first on Feb 24 and then the restoration on August 20. We do not want to contemplate the need for a third independence day. After the speech, dinner was served and Mrs Triina Pirn led the group in singing grace before dining. Socializing lasted well into the late afternoon.
Toomas Tubalkain