A few weeks ago, the University of Tartu appealed to the Estonian diaspora in support of Ukrainian refugee students attending the University.
The University decided to accept up to 300 refugee students from Ukraine for studies at the University. The Estonian Government has supported the cost of their tuition. With Estonia having received some 60,000 Ukrainian refugees to date, supporting Ukrainian students is entirely consistent with the moral obligation to support refugees. Although the University had aggressively pursued many initiatives to raise money for the living expenses of Ukrainian students, they were short more than 50,000 € for this semester.
The University is pleased to report that many organizations and individuals in both the United States and Canada have stepped up to assist with this cause. In coming together to meet this challenge, $52,000 CDN has been raised in support and includes the following organizations:
- Estonian Foundation in Canada / Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas
- Northern Birch Credit Union
- Estonian Ecumenical Relief Organization (EERO)
- Tartu College
- Estonian Students Fund USA / Eesti Üliõpilaste Toetusfond USAs
- Estonian Relief Committee USA / Eesti Abistamiskomitee USAs
- Estonian American Fund / Eesti Ameerika Fond
- Rotalia Foundation USA
- Rotalia Fund (Eesti) / SA Rotalia Fond
- Tartu Ülikool Fond Kanada
The University of Tartu is extremely grateful for the support of these organizations and also to the individuals who have contributed to this fund. It shows what can be accomplished when relatively modest individual donations are combined into a substantial total.
The University of Tartu is sensitive to the limitations of resources available from the Estonian communities in the diaspora. However, this is a worthwhile cause. This generation of students will rebuild Ukraine. These students are the country’s future doctors, teachers and workers. Providing the opportunity for young Ukrainians to continue their education at the University of Tartu is also a cost-effective way of contributing to the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
I am hopeful that many more in the community will find a way to contribute to this scholarship fund, in Canada, in the United States and worldwide.
Donations in Canada can be made through the University of Tartu Fund by e-transfer to [email protected] or cheque to University of Tartu Fund, c/o 42 Humber-crest Blvd., Toronto, ON, M6S 4K8.
Donations in the USA can be made through the Estonian American Fund with cheques payable to Estonian American Fund, P.O. Box 2464, Rock-ville, MD 20852-9998
“Higher education for Ukrainian university students must continue despite the tragedy that has stricken their country and families, together with the economic hardship that accompanies it. Everyone associated with the University of Tartu, its students, alumni, colleagues and all Estonians who believe in higher education can help these young people by donating to the Ukrainian Students Fund.“
Thank you for your support!
Prof. Toomas Asser
Rector of the University of Tartu
Peeter Einola
Canadian Representative for the University of Tartu Foundation